G. S. L. City June 23rd. 1859
Bishop Lewis Brunson,
Dear Brother:--
Your note of the 9th. inst. has been received and I was glad to hear of the fair prospects which appear to attend the efforts of the people in raising grain &c. I have not seen Bro Call but think I understand the spirit of the matters touched upon in your letter. It is our duty to do right ourselves and show to others a good example and teach the people the right way, and then when we have done this leave the rest with the Lord. You are not responsible for the sins which others commit; those who transgress only are accountable for the evil which they accomplish. It is for you and me and every saint to perform our duties faithfully and then rest the events or results of things with the Lord, who overrules all things for the best interest of his people. It is the duty of the officers of justice to preserve the peace and to protect life and property. To the shame and disgrace of those who profess to be latter day saints <be it said> yours is not by any means an isolated case; satan takes advantage of the unwary and unwise and they become reckless, taking too much liquor blaspheming the name of God, and spending their lives in vain, frivolous and idle pursuits. This conduct is the more to be deprecated from the fact of its ungratefulness to that kind being who has so mercifully interposed in our behalf and preserved us from the wrath of the wicked and the ungodly. What folly for men who know the way of the Lord and the way of life and virtue, and understand the reward which lies at the end of the race for the faithful, to fall away into transgression. and let the evil influences which surround us overcome and lead us into darkness and cause us to grieve away that Holy Spirit which would be glad to abide with us if we would permit it.-- to offend that kind being who had done so much to effect our salvation; but so it is, and we cannot help it; saints must be tried and doubtless many will fall, and go back to the beggarly elements of the world. It is all right-- and I believe <it is> in the economy of high Heaven that it is so; it only goes to prove still more that this is the kingdom of God, for Jesus said that the kingdom of Heaven was like unto a net cast into the sea which caught all kinds of fish &c. and I believe that Jesus understood the subject.
Be therefore of good cheer, and although it may be painful to witness the disregard of some to good order and holy principles still trust in the Lord and let others spew out the filth which is in them; it will only expose themselves to the contempt of all good men and holy beings and not injure the true and faithful.
I presume that some of the twelve will visit the Southern Settlements in a few weeks, when I hope the saints who are and wish to be such will be comforted and the spirit of recklessness checqued among those who really wish to abide in the truth but are measurably yielding to evil influences which are calculated to lead them into bye and forbidden paths. For any others I do not care how soon they go away, the sooner the better, for those who wish to be saints and to desire to live their Holy religion.
May God bless you and all Israel and preserve them in the purity of the most holy faith and help them to live to his honor and glory and to the advancement of His kingdom upon the Earth until righteousness shall be exalted and wickedness and iniquity of every kind be walked under foot, is the prayer of your brother in the Gospel of salvation.
Daniel H Wells