1859 June 23 Letter to George Q. Cannon


1859 June 23 Letter to George Q. Cannon


President Buchanan has not upheld his promise to remove objectionable officers. Utah citizens will wait upon the Lord to restrain the wicked.




Brigham Young


George Q. Cannon


1859 June 23


Great Salt Lake City
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City, June 23, 1859,

Elder George Q. Cannon,
Philadelphia, Pa.,

Dear Brother:--
Your interesting and very welcome letters, pr politeness of Dr. Bernhisel, were personally delivered by him, and I was highly gratified with your clear and minute detail of movements and views, and to learn of the improved health and welfare of our Friend.

The scarcity of money and the busy occupation of the citizens in their various avocations render trade dull and the times what people generally term tame and uninteresting, though to us peaceful and ominous of good. And from whispered rumors touching some news by our last mail, one might infer that our U. S. Judges might now begin to profit by their past folly and improve upon the plain and severe rebukes they have received therefore, time will determine, and should they have learned enough to be able to exercise even a small portion of discretion, one element of vexation will be somewhat modified. The Peace Commissioners assured us that President Buchanan would at once remove all really obnoxious officers, upon the presentation of the facts, but they are not only retained but one of the most objectionable personages in the lot voluntarily leaves and then returns. True they may have been instructed to behave better in future, but what guarantee has any one that such persons will ever behave as reasonable beings should?

The army remains very quiet at Camp Floyd. A small detachment under Major Lyon has gone into the Humboldt to overawe the Indians on the old line of overland travel, and it is reported that another small detachment is about to be sent to Ruby Valley or its neighborhood to protect the mail stations against Indian depradations. But of all follies few exceeds in egregious nonsense, the large disbursements of public treasure for the support of an army in Utah. Is it because our citizens are disloyal or ever have been? No, the world knows better. Is it to defend us against hostile savages? No, for it is well known that we took effectual care of ourselves when our settlements were few and weak. What purpose do they serve? A refuge and protection to thieves, liars, black legs, whoremasters and drunkards, and a nest egg of suttlers, freighters, contractors and other speculators, exhibiting a most pitiful and shameful expenditure of the people's money. Well, let the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things, for the God of Israel holds their folly in derision and over-rules their mightiest efforts to advance his purposes.

Say to our Friend that we readily perceive, and for a long time have perceived that "the hands upon the dial are moving," and we bear things patiently, biding our time.

Brother George, become not weary nor discouraged in well doing, and doing the best you can from day to day, calmly submit the disposition of events to Him who ordereth all things aright. And say to our good Friend that when human efforts fail to cope with the devices and violence of the wicked, there is a power that restrains the abundance of their wrath.

The present prospect for fruit and wheat crops is quite indifferent, and without a sudden change for the better, of which there is no present indication, our great staple wheat, will be very scarce and high priced.

The general health of the people, as also that of your family is good.

Please give our Friend, his good lady and dear children my love and best wishes for their welfare, and accept the kind regards of
Your brother in the Gospel.

Brigham Young Sen