1859 July 12 Letter to High Priests Quorum President


1859 July 12 Letter to High Priests Quorum President


John Murdock should be restored to full fellowship.




Brigham Young


High Priests Quorum President


1859 July 12


Great Salt Lake City
Lehi, Utah County, U. T.


Church Discipline
Church Leadership

Item sets


G. S. L. City, July 12th. 1859.

To the President of the High Priests Quorum.
Lehi, Utah Co. U. T.

Dear Brother:-- As near as I can learn from statements made by the parties, br. John Murdock has been dropped from your Quorum for a matter that is not and never was of any moment, and should never have been deemed worthy attention, much less such action as was taken. I presume that I fully and correctly understand all the points necessary for me to understand, and my counsel is that you restore br. Murdock to all the standing, fellowship, blessings and privilege he enjoyed in your Quorum previous to the misunderstanding between him and Bishop David Evans.

In conversation with Bishop Evans I may have replied to a question by the Bishop as to whether br. Murdock should be re-baptized, "Yes, if he wishes to be." It is every person's privilege to be baptized or re-baptised, if they wish and request it, but in br. Murdock's case I deem the question of baptism one that rests entirely in his own choice and not in the dictation of any other person, persons, or Quorum. Presidents, Bishops, and Elders in Israel will learn the truth of the old adage that "molasses will catch more flies than vinegar"

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young