G. S. L. City, July 15. 1859.
Elder George A. Smith,
Parowan, Iron County. U. T.,
Dear Brother:--
Since your departure another scheme of 'civilization' has developed itself. Rumor states that a plan was devised to counterfeit U. S. Sub-treasury drafts. Myron Brewer, it is said, stated on examination before Judge Eckles in Camp Floyd, that David McKenzie was to do the engraving and printing, and Wallace the gambler was to pass the drafts. It appears that McKenzie made the engraving and struck of some blanks, that some one (name as yet undivulged) filled up one or more, and that Wallace exhibited in Camp Floyd one of the counterfeit drafts, whereupon Brewer and McKenzie were arrested, the former in Camp Floyd, and the latter here and taken there. Wallace was highly complimented at Camp, he stating that he had merely appeared to fall in with Brewer's propositions in order to expose him and McKenzie in their first public overt act, as he had done. In the examination Brewer was released, as previously agreed, upon his turning States Evidence. He implicated none but Wallace and McKenzie, so far as reported. McKenzie was bound over by Judge Eckles to appear at the next term of his court to be held in Nephi in August next. It is supposed that he will be released upon bail, since they have failed to catch or implicate the game they set their trap for. Upon what principle of law or justice McKenzie was removed from the Judicial District in which he resides and committed the alleged crime, and was examined in a military camp in another District, and then bound over for trial in another District, I leave you to puzzle your legal acumen.
You will have noticed in the 'News' an account of the late shooting affair in Davis county, and br. Orin Smith, it is said, recognized Beattie, at first sight, as one of the celebrated Joaquin's robber band in California.
Mr. Horace Greely arrived here on the 10th. inst, and on the 13th. after resting and writing, called upon me. Presidents Kimball and Wells and a few other brethren were present during the interview of some two hours. Mr. Greely immediately, having politely requested permission to do so, began to ask questions touching the grand point of difference between us and other denominations, the order of the Priesthood, the wealth of the Church, the disposition made of the tithing, the number of wives I had, &c. &c., which with the replies consumed nearly all the time spent in the interview, with the exception of a portion occupied by Mr. Greely's very strenuously urging the introduction of Canada thistles into this Territory.
The Deseret Typographical Association entertain Mr. Greely in the Hall in the Council House on to-morrow evening, the 16th inst. He purposes starting for California in the mail Stage on Wednesday next
The Lord continues obviously to confound the evil councils and plans of the wicked and to favor Zion.
It is rumored that the 'Gentiles' intend to get up an opposition ticket at the next general election.
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young