1859 July 21 Letter to Lewis Espenchied


1859 July 21 Letter to Lewis Espenchied


Brigham reassures Espenchied that the debt owed him by Dr. J. Clinton will be honored.




Brigham Young


Lewis Espenchied


1859 July 21


Great Salt Lake City
St. Louis, Missouri


Financial Matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City, July 21st. 1859.

Mr. Lewis Espenchied,
St. Louis, Mo.,

Dear Sir:-- Dr. J. Clinton informs me that he is indebted to you to the amount of $285.00 and wishes me to write you concerning the matter, as he is unable to pay you at present and fears that you <may> become uneasy at his delay.

I have simply to state that Dr. Clinton is now engaged in business that bids fair to be remunerative, and is very anxious to liquidate his indebtedness to you at his earliest ability. I consider the debt perfectly safe, and doubt not that such extension of time as your business ability and liberality may enable you to afford will be mutually satisfactory and advantageous.

I have the honor to remain, Respectfully,

Brigham Young Sen