Great Salt Lake City,
July 21. 1859.
President A. Calkin,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,
Dear Brother:--
I have drawn upon you draft No 109 for twenty five dollars (25 00/100) in favor of Charles H. Rees, and draft No. 110 for forty five dollars (45 00/100) in favor of Nathaniel Ireland, which please pay on presentation.
I wrote to you on the 11th February last to send out Mrs. T. Gibbons and family, since which time her husband, through information received, wishes them to remain, and desires to withdraw the funds he had deposited for their immigration. Please inform me whether you have taken steps in the matter, that I may be able to correctly arrange the business here with br. Gibbons, as he declined incurring any expense on their account.
Br. John Kelly has deposited means for the immigration of James Kelly, wife and four children, and has learned that they have been cut off from the Church through what he esteems rather hasty action upon not very grave cause. He still wishes them forwarded, whether members of the Church or not, and perhaps it would be well to examine into their case and, if reasonably consistent, restore them to the Church previous to their being started for this place; but in either event forward them upon the earliest opportunity, and the great differences in early education, traditions, and associations, and the different degrees of yielding under diverse circumstances to the numerous Spirits abroad in the world tend to almost indefinitely increase the variety of human conduct with which we have to deal. In view of these facts, and of the great ignorance and Slowness to learn which prevail over the earth, it may be well to bear in mind, and in like manner to instruct those under your charge, that our chief business in this probation is to strive to save ourselves in the Church, and Kingdom of our God, and at the same time in so doing to assist others, to the utmost of our ability in all patience, to attain alike peaceful and glorious resurrection with the just, being ever mindful of the truth of the old adage that "molasses catches more flies than vinegar,' as I trust you are not also those associated with you and under the watch care of your Presidency.
As yet my mind rests upon no one to relieve you, and I trust that you will, as hitherto, cheerfully sustain your arduous duties until the Lord shall suggest a proper person to assume the labors and responsibilities of your present position.
The enemies of truth continue to be over ruled by a kind a wise Providence, for since my last writing another scheme to injure us has been thwarted, It seems, so far as has yet been made public, that J. M. Wallace, (a gambler) Myron Brewer and David McKenzie concocted a plan to engrave, fill, and pass counterfiet Government drafts. McKenzie did the engraving and printing, and Brewer the filling up by tracing. It was designed, so alleged, to pass them outside this Territory, but Brewer for some reason, passed the first one in Camp Floyd, and was immediately informed upon by Wallace who states that he entered in Brewer's and McKenzie's plans with the sole object of exposing them upon the first overt act. In the examination Brewer turned States evidence the was discharged, and McKenzie was held for trial at the term of the U. S. District court to be held in Nephi on august next, and Wallace was highly complimented for the great service he had rendered the Government. The plan was somewhat cunningly laid, but in my opinion only reached a short way towards accomplishing the object designed, as would be manifest to all if those who know would divulge the whole truth.
Our city is being filled with goods, passing emigration is comfortably supplying at low rates the grocery and provision necessities of many, and there is a fair prospect that ere long we shall be considerably relieved from the extortion we have for sometime endured.
The wheat harvest is exceeding late expectations, and corn and other products are glowing with unusual luxuriance, and many are increasing in the skilful saving and use of the rich bounties of the earth so liberally bestowed upon us.
All is well
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young Sen