1852 September 17 Letter to Orson Pratt


1852 September 17 Letter to Orson Pratt


Assignment to deliver or forward Mission-related materials including recommends, gubernatorial letters/blanks, Notary seal "passes," etc. Instructions to deliver and distribute daguerreotype, documents and publications.




Brigham Young
Willard Richards


Orson Pratt




Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Sept. 17th  1852
Elder O. Pratt

Dear brother,
We send you the Recommends of the Presidency for those elders who did not take them before they left.  Also the gubernatorial letters for elders on foreign missions beyond England which you will distribute.

We also forward ten blanks of gubernatorial letters which you will please forward to Elder Samuel W Richards, Liverpool, per hand Daniel Spencer.

The News Extra and all other letters and packages you will please deliver and distribute, according to direction.

I also send you another Daguerreotype, to deliver to Coll. Kane, the other you will please to return to me.

Your brother
Brigham Young

P. S.  We send the Notary seal for the Passes to be obtained from the Secretary of State, which you will see executed and forward to the elders as you shall agree, and if any failure send them to the Presidency at Liverpool.  Those belonging to the elders going west you will send to San Francisco.

I send you l doz Extra "Extra's" or on better paper which I wish you to have done up in good style. (as I have not time to do it) and present them to O. Pratt.  Col Kane Dr Bernhisel, President Fillmore, each of the heads of departments, President of Senate, and Speaker of the House with Editor's compliments.  also send you 1 doz common to be disposed of as you please.  I send Genl Eldredge l doz common for sale or use.

Please present the Drs compliments & daguerotype to Col. Kane.

W. Richards.

Sep 18.
11 ½ A.M.  Bro Kimball has just succeeded in getting a new Dag-Type. which he wishes you to present Col. Kane: reserving the one he gave you, till you arrive at Washington, or meet Dr Bernhisel.  to whom you will please present it.
W. R.    F. S.