1859 September 1 Letter to Peter Schuttler


1859 September 1 Letter to Peter Schuttler




Brigham Young


Peter Schuttler


1859 September 1


Great Salt Lake City
Chicago, Illinois


Financial Matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City, Sept. 1, 1859.

Mr. Peter Schuttler,
Chicago, Illinois,

Dear Sir:--
Your letter of July 27 is at hand, and the contents noted. I am happy in being able to inform you that the principle and interest of your <first> note from C. A. & E. H. Perry will be forwarded to you per hands of our Delegate to Congress, Cap. William H. Hooper, who will leave this place on his way to Washington on or before the 1st of October next. Your second note from the same Firm you are aware does not fall due until the 26th of this month, and as no demand of payment has yet been made, nor is it deemed advisable to make such a demand until on or near the time said note falls due, of course it is not known by me hat or whether any objections will be made to paying it agreeable to its face, but presume none, from what Messrs Eldredge and Green say to me concerning the matter. I trust I may be able to collect your second note previous to the departure of the Hon. W. H. Hooper, if so, that amount will also be forwarded to you by him, which, be assured, will be promptly attended to by and if successful, afford increased satisfaction to

Very Respectfully,
Your Friend

T. O.   Brigham Young

P. S. When our wagons arrive, which are expected this evening, I will examine them and at my earliest convenience, inform you of my opinion concerning them and about probable future orders.

B. Y.