1859 September 1 Letter to Asa Calkins


1859 September 1 Letter to Asa Calkins


Elders are leaving on missions to Europe and South Africa. Updates are given on a forgery case, the military, a newspaper and Emigration. Both male and female laborers are needed in Utah.




Brigham Young


Asa Calkins


1859 September 1


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
Missionary Work
Legal Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Sep. 1, 1859

President A. Calkin,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,

Dear Brother:--
I have drawn upon you draft No 112, payable three days after sight, in favor of Ewing, Winsor & Letton, for Pound171.13.10, also draft No 113, at five days after sight, for Pound303.4.0, favor of Shroader, Funk & Co.

Our Delegate to Congress, Cap. Wm. H. Hooper, and a small company of Elders expect to leave here on or before the 1st of Oct. Bro. Louis Bertrand goes on a mission to France, (who will make his head quarters in Paris and preside over the French mission) and a few other Elders to different points abroad, not yet definitely determined where, nor altogether who and how many, some to Scandinavia, some to England, and perhaps two to Southern Africa, of which you will receive timely advices.

Within the past two weeks, as you will observe in the 'News', but one person, Charles M. Drown, has been killed in our city. The wicked are not yet very rapidly slaying the wicked, but that decree long since went forth, and the reckless, lazy, speculating, rabid, numerous and other devilish spirits abroad in the earth are fast preparing its inhabitants to fulfill it.

No reports from Eckles' court at Nephi later than you will find in this week's paper, but it is rumored that McKenzie has been convicted of forgery and sentenced to be imprisoned two years and to pay a fine of $50. That is what some perhaps call justice, to punish the one who, from all we can learn, is the least guilty, if guilty at all, and let the really guilty go free, like the ancient Jews who released a murderer and crucified the Innocent.

No further news of special import from Camp Floyd, nor from the troops sent to the upper crossing of Bear river to look after the Indians who committed depredations upon some immigrants to California by the northern route.

Money is very scarce here and becoming scarcer, which gives traders with large stocks of goods a dolesome countenance, and causes prices to still tend downward with very slow and light sales.

Br's Blair, Ferguson and Stout came out on Saturday last with the first issue of a paper called 'The Mountaineer,' 'News' size without the extra fold. As they doubtless forward a copy to your office you will be able to understand their object, and the steps proposed for attaining it.

Br's. H. S. Eldredge and J. Lemon's train of 16 wagons arrived on the 26th ult. and br. Eldredge wholesaled the goods to Capt. Hooper.

A company of brethren with 69 wagons and 1 cart, under Elder James Brown 3rd. camped in Union Square in the evening of the 29th Aug., and by the evening of the 13st. they had all scattered among their friends in different settlements. Bro. Kesler came in yesterday and reported that the Church train of 69 wagons would arrive to night. The Hand Cart and br. Neslen's trains were expected in a few days, and br. Feramorz Little with a small mule train, br. Stevenson and company, and all other companies will probably arrive soon after. So far as heard from, our immigration has made good time this season, and have <been> highly blessed and unusually healthy in their journeying.

There are so many who need female help that the demand far exceeds the supply, a hint to the sisters in foreign lands that here there is no fear of want of labor, good pay therefore, and comfortable situations. The same is the case in the demand for male help, and the brethren who arrive and desire employment are at once engaged at fair prices and find good homes in our peaceful gathering retreats. This is doubtless a wide and favorable contrast to the situation of many of our brethren and sisters in foreign lands, and we trust that all consistent effort will be made at home and abroad, by all parties concerned especially by those who aim to come, to further the transportation of the Saints from foreign shores to our own, that they may be able to win there way to the common enjoyment with us of the many blessings with which we are here privileged.
Ever praying for your welfare and that of all who love truth,

I remain, as ever, Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young