1864 November 22 Letter to S. Reese


1864 November 22 Letter to S. Reese


The Mission President has the right to regulate branches within his mission and to counsel Reese and his branch.




Brigham Young


S. Reese


1864 November 22


Great Salt Lake City


Church Leadership

Item sets


President's Office
Great Salt Lake City Nov. 22, 1864

S. Reese,
President of the N. Y. Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.Saints.

Dear Brother;

Your letter of the 18th ult., complaining of Bro. Miles interfering with your duty, and performing duty himself which belongs to you as Branch President, and of his intention of dividing the Branch, has been duly received.

I have to say, in reply, that Elder Wm. H. Miles, as President of the Mission, has the right to regulate the Branches in his Mission and all the affairs pertaining thereto, together with all the Offices, to give them counsel and dictate them in their movements as he shall be led by the Spirit of the Lord.

It is the right of the president of the Mission to counsel you and the Saints in your Branch also. In appointing you President of the Branch it was not expected that you would stand between your President and the people in such a manner as to preclude him from giving them such counsels as they may need.

I remain Your Brother in the Lord

Brigham Young