1864 December 23 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


1864 December 23 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


Brigham asks Eveleth to purchase a driver and details financial arrangements.




Brigham Young


Dwight Eveleth


1864 December 23


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California


Financial Matters

Item sets

397 - 398

President's Office,
G. S. Lake City, Dec. 23/64. Mr. Dwight Eveleth.
San Francisco,

Dear Brother,

Your favor on the subject of a Pile Driver and fixtures, written under date of the 14th instant, has just been received.

I am obliged to you for the pains you have been at and the information you have furnished me on this subject. I would be pleased if you would purchase me a hammer that will weigh 1200 lbs, with all the fixtures necessary to rig it up in a complete manner that we cannot make out of timber here, and ship it, as I requested in my former communication, by the Colorado

I shall advise Mr. Carpenteir to pay your order for the needed amount to make this purchase. Mr. C. is President of the California State Telegraph Co. Should there be no credit to my account with him, I will make arrangements, by Telegraph, for you to draw the gold in San Francisco.

With Love I remain
Your Brother in the Lord,

Brigham Young.

P. S.
When you have purchased the Driver and shipped it, please advise me,
and also when it will be likely to reach the point of debarkation on the Colorado.