1865 January 5 Letter to Matthew Keller


1865 January 5 Letter to Matthew Keller


Cotton seed will be sent and a freighting bill enclosed. Feramorz Little is a possible agent for Keller's products.




Brigham Young


Matthew Keller


1865 January 5


Great Salt Lake City
Los Angeles, California


Business Matters

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, U. T.,
January 5th, 1865.

Matthew Keller, Esq.,
Wine & Native Brandy Manufacturer,
Los Angeles Cal.

Dear Sir:

Your favor of Nov. 25th came duly to hand. Since its receipt, I have been waiting for an opportunity of procuring and forwarding you the Cotton seed for which you wrote. Mr. John Worley's teams are leaving this place day for your City, and will pass through our Cotton-growing region while in route. Hon. Erastus Snow is forwarding an Order by him to his Agent at St George for 300 lbs of reliable Cotton seed, to be put up for Mr. Worley to carry to you. Mr Snow's Agent will enclose his bill for the seed; he informs me that the charge will be $5.00 per 100 lbs, and Mr. Worley's charfor hauling will be $15.00 per 100 lbs.

If you should wish to send on any of your Wines and Native Brandy fo: sale to this City I can recommend Feramorz Little, Esq., who keeps the Salt Lake House in this City as a suitable person for Agent. He is well known in the East and is somewhat known in California.

I remain Yours &c.

Brigham Young