1865 January 17 Letter to James Street


1865 January 17 Letter to James Street


Brigham desires to speak with Street before changes are made in the Utah telegraph office. Currently telegrams to Salt Lake pass through Camp Douglas.




Brigham Young


James Street


1865 January 17


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California

Number of Pages




Item sets

438 - 439

Great Salt Lake City
U. T., Jan. 17th, 1865.

James Street, Esq.
San Francisco Cal.

Dear Sir:-

I am happy to hear of the consolidation of the two Telegraph Lines, and congratulate you upon the change.

I telegraphed you yesterday to the effect that I would be pleased to have no change made in the Telegraph Office in this City until we can communicate with each other.

You probably are aware that there are certain individuals here who are seeking the injury of the citizens of this Territory, and to produce a rupture between the General Government and our people. The person who is now in c of the Eastern Line -- the Pacific Telegraph Company's Line -- is one of the right hand men of Gen. Connor, who is the principal man of this Clique, and without doubt uses his position to aid their schemes by reporting to them such items, whether true or false, as suits their purposes. Camp Douglas has I understand, been recently put in communication with the wires East and West whether by order of the President of the Company or not I cannot say -- an every telegram that passes on any of the wires goes through the Office at that Post. To say the very least that can be said respecting that arrangement, it may be pronounced very unwise and improper, and calculated to operate injuriously against the interests of the Company.

Most assuredly I am willing to wait and to assist the Telegraph Company all that I can; but I am not willing to have men here who will abuse the community and take advantage of their position to work out great evil. If I understand aright, he is using means belonging to the company for his own purposes. It would be well to look after the funds received here, and see what disposition is made of them.

I remain Respectfully Your friend,