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Presidents Office
G. S. L. City, Feb. 2nd 1865
Hon. J. F. Kinney, M. C., House of Representatives
Washington City, D. C.
My Dear Sir:
Since my last to you, written Jan. 2nd, I have received nothing from you. But this is, doubtless, attributable to the stoppage of the Mails from the East. We receive nothing from the East, and have not done so for some week past, except by means of the Telegraph. You have learned, I presume, from the papers the causes assigned for the stoppage of the Mails. The Indians are said to be committing depredations upon the travellers and the stock upon the road and attacking the stations. As Mr Naisbett is starting on business to the East, by way of California, I take the opportunity of writing to you by him.
Since my last to you there has nothing particularly noteworthy transpired here. Peace has prevailed, and good health has been generally enjoyed by our citizens.
The folks on the Bench have not yet achieved the fame for which they have so long panted. The obscurity into which they are forced, despite all their efforts to produce the contrary effect, chafes them, and their organ, the Vedette howls dreadfully and bitterly, and threatens us with dire vengeance; but these utterances excite not the least attention among our people, except to increase the contempt which is entertained for those who make use of such threats, and, among the outsiders, the meanness and vulgarity of its articles disgust many who would like to be its friends. The course which has been taken with them annoys them more than any other plan which could be adopted. If we would quarrel with them or notice them, it would encourage them, for they would then think they were galling us; but when after they have exhausted every invective and every species of vituperation and slander, they find no spot so vulnerable as to cause us to wince in the least or to express the most trifling anger or vexation, it is very discouraging; such indifference has a better effect than the most elab[missing].
The Territorial Legislature adjourned on the 20th ult. There were two important Bills-- one chartering the Deseret Irrigation and Navigation Canal Company, and the second the Wahsatch wagon road Company for the construction of A Turnpike road between the Weber and this City, via Parley's Park and Big Kanyon -which the Governor vetoed. The vetoing of the Wagon Road Bill deprives the road of all prospective improvements for the year, as the Legislature, having the idea that they had done what was necessary to make the road all that was required, did not appropriate any amount for its repair. The Canal company can be organized under the Bill, which was passed this session, providing for the organization of Irrigation Districts, and the necessary step are being taken, according to the provisions of the Bill, for the accomplishment of this object.
The Legislature of the State of Deseret met on the 23rd ult., and I presented my Message, which was read and ordered printed. There was but little business to occupy the attention of the members, and they adjourned on the evening of the 23rd. Though the session has been but a brief one, we feel that it is not the less important that the State Legislature should meet regularly, and that everything should be kept in readiness to start the State machinery &c. whenever the necessity or opportunity for so doing shall offer.
Mr. Reed, the Secretary of the Territory, started for Washington City on the 31st ult. with his accounts.
Complaints have been made by the members of the Legislature respecting the stingy manner in which he doled out to them the stationery, &c., for their use during the Session. We would like to know from you if you can obtain the items -- what amounts he charges the Government for the expenses of the Legislature, as we know about what was actually expended
We are now having a thaw, and it is every pleasant overhead. We have recently had a very cold snap which has lasted some weeks. The winter, taking it all all, has been a pleasant one thus far. We have had the usual run of parties for this season and they have passed off very pleasantly.
President Kimball desires me to remember him to you. With love to yourself and kind regards to your family, I remain Yours truly,