1865 March 20 Letter to Benjamin F. Johnson


1865 March 20 Letter to Benjamin F. Johnson




Brigham Young


Benjamin F. Johnson


1865 March 20


Great Salt Lake City
Spring Lake

Item sets


G. S. L. City, President's Office
March 20th 1865

Elder Benjn F. Johnson, Spring Lake,

Dear Brother:

Your favor of the 12th instant, on the subject of the divorce of your wife Mary Ann, has just been received.

Respecting your children by her, I have no recollection now of saying anything to her as to who should have them. Situated as I am, I cannot charge my mind with all the particulars of such cases; they are too unpleasant to me to have any wish to retain the recollection of them, and I dismiss them from my mind as soon as possible. When women tease for a divorce, and are determined to have one, what can be done better than to give them one

I am pleased to hear that you feel so well, and that even affliction brings evidences to you that you are not forgotten by the Almighty, in whom, with his servants, you say, you feel to trust, though they should slay you. Now, I do not think that any body wants to slay you, unless it be your wives. The servants of the Lord do not want to do it; but if the women want to slay you, I do not know that we can help it, as we did not have to slay you to have you take wives.

I remain Very respectfully
Your Brother in the Lord

Brigham Young