1865 April 14 Letter to R. N. Allred


1865 April 14 Letter to R. N. Allred


Three men are killed by Indians. Brigham urges kindness. Only the guilty should be punished.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


R. N. Allred


1865 April 14


Great Salt Lake City
Gunnison, Sanpete County

Number of Pages



Indian Matters

Item sets

552 - 553

President's Office.
G. S. L. City, Ap. 14 1865

Col. R. N. Allred
Gunnison, Sanpete Co.

Dear Brother:

Your favor of the 11th instant conveying to me the sorrowful intelligence of the killing of Barney Ward and two other brethren by the Indians was received by me last night and was perused with sad interest. I was pleased to learn of the prompt measures you had taken to quell the outbreak and to punish the perpetrators of these bloody deeds, and also that you were taking steps to have plenty of force with you to make your operations comparatively safe.

You do not state what the origin of these troubles is: whether the Indians have commenced to shoot the brethren and steal and destroy their stock without any provocation, or whether some of the Whites -- which strikes me as not being improbable--have been infringing upon the Indians and have been guilty of acts which have provoked them to violence.

The better course for you to pursue will be to avoid risking the lives of your men, and not rush into danger through having a great eagerness to punish the Indians; but to keep a strict watch upon them, and be so vigilant that they can do no further damage; and when any of them come in where you are treat them very kindly and you will soon be able to find out who the offenders are. Whenever these latter come within your lines never let them pass out again. Let them understand that while we consider such outrages altogether unbearable and we will not submit to them, we have no desire to inflict indiscriminate punishment upon both the innocent and the guilty alike. 

They must be made to entertain a wholesome fear for our justice as well as a feeling of respect and  honor for our mercy.

In the truth I remain as ever Your Brother,

Brigham Young