1864 October 20 Letter to Thomas M. Doblois


1864 October 20 Letter to Thomas M. Doblois


Brigham is unable to locate any information about the whereabouts of John Ebenezer Raitt




Brigham Young


Thomas M. Doblois


1864 October 20


Great Salt Lake City
St. John, New Brunswick, Canada



Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
Utah Territory, Oct. 20th, 1864.

Dear Sir:--

Your favor of the 21st ult., making inquiries on behalf of Mrs. Raitt, respecting her son John Ebenezer Raitt who is reported to have passed through this City from California to the States about the beginning of April, 1863, has been duly received.

I have caused inquiries to be made at the Hotels here, and have, also had the books of the Overland Stage Company-- whose stages bring passengers here from California -- for the months of March, April and May examined closely; but cannot find Mr. Raitt's name, and no trace of any such person having passed through this City. He may have passed through here by private conveyance, if so, there are no means, that I know of, of ascertaining that fact.

You mention that his Mother had been informed that his name had been registered in the Registerir Office of this City. The only Registers that I know anything about are those which I have had examined.

Regretting my inability to give you more information I remain,
Yours &c.

Brigham Young

Thomas M. Doblois, Esq.,
St John, New Brunswick